Learning Resources

With years of experience as a kayak guide and an ongoing passion for exploring the beautiful waters around Vancouver Island, I am now focusing on instruction, empowering others through a series of clinics and courses to prepare themselves for a safe, and exciting sea kayaking adventure. That being said, I do still offer day, and multi-day, custom tours.

Jeff Burdison

Your personal Vancouver Island kayak guide, Certified Paddle Canada Instructor / Certified SKGABC Guide

Choosing the right kayak paddle

Choosing the right kayak paddle

There are so many options out there for finding the right paddle for yourself. Different styles, lengths, materials and a huge price range. Here are a few tips on how to make the best choice.

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As kayakers, probably our biggest concern is weather and sea state. Here is some information that can help you make the right decision on WEATHER to paddle!

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